A little “light” reading as I commute, Joan Didion in The Year of Magical Thinking. This book is an account of the year following the sudden death of her husband. Page 97, I read…
“Things happen in life that mothers could not prevent or fix.” –Joan Didion
TRIGGER! Close book. Mind flooded with memories of Siwe. Take deep breath. Keep breathing. Give thanks for dark glasses. Fight back tears. Maintain composure on the A train as I commute to the office.
Woman sitting on the train next to me dropped her cell phone as she got up with her two bags. I picked it up and handed it back to her. She (also in dark sunglasses) shook her head and thanked me as she sat back down to compose herself. She turned and said to me with a noticeably pained look on her face, “Today is just not getting started off right.” I responded, “If the worst thing about your day is dropping your cell phone… I think you are doing ok.” She chuckled. Her energy shifted. After a pause, she shared that she had an important interview today and she just did not feel ready. I told her, “Just breathe. You will be fine.” She smiled. She breathed. She thanked me and said the really appreciated that. SILENCE. As she got ready to get off the train she smiled and said to me, “Thank you so much for that. I really think you headed my day in a much better direction.” I smiled and wished her good luck and she was gone.
Life changes in an instant. My heart was full. My tears were swallowed. I was no longer thinking about Siwe and the precious life I could not save. I was connected to this stranger. #siwelives
“We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” Martin Luther King Jr.
Angels surround us with messages and we hear them if only we are willing to listen. Not only was I her angel this morning… But she was also mine.
“NEVER underestimate the power that you have or the positive impact and influence on those around you. You make a difference.” Billy Batten
Go make a difference, go be YOU, go share YOUR light…